On the Waterfront
Landings Harbor Marina
Normal Operating Hours: Monday - Sunday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Landings Harbor
Operating Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily
Fuel Tank Project
Public Works is assisting in preparing the area where the new above ground fuel tank will be installed. The handicap parking spaces have been temporarily closed while working in the area. Handicap parking will be authorized in the “Loading Area” between the dumpster and the marina ship’s store during the fuel tank project.
Public Works completed the striping in the back parking lot and is now open to daily traffic. We appreciate everyone’s patience while this project was being completed. The result of this project has created an increase for both car and golf cart parking at the marina.
Bubbler Curtain Update
Landings Harbor Marina was issued a Research and Monitoring Permit from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and US Army Corp of Engineers in March 2023 for the bubbler curtain. It is assumed that installing the system at the entrance of our enclosed basin will help lower the amount of material that enters and settles on the bottom, requiring annual dredging. A six-month bathymetric survey was completed in September and compared it to the March survey. The results showed a redeposit of 3,400 cubic yards of material throughout the basin. The survey cannot account for material that has moved out from under the floating docks and into the basin. Survey equipment are unable to scan the material under the boats and docks. Previously during low tide events, the floating docks were sitting hard aground. The dock’s mass weight pressed down on the material and pushed it into the deeper areas that had been dredged. Now, during low tide events, the docks are no longer hard aground, indicating that some of the material that is reported as being redeposited was not from new material entering the basin, but from this material moving out from under the docks. We will continue to operate under the two-year permit and continue to monitor the bubbler curtain effectiveness. The goal is to lower the amount of material needing to be dredged and stored in the upland settling ponds that are reaching their usable capacity.
The Landings Sailing Club
The Wassaw Cup Regatta took place last weekend. Several of our sailors entered the race, with six of our Rhodes 19 sailboats competing. See the smiling faces of those sailors who successfully placed over the course of two days of racing.
There will be a Basic Sailing Course led by a certified Society for the Education of American Sailors (SEAS) instructor in collaboration with local sailors from The Landings Sailing Club (TLSC). The class is intended to teach the basics of sailing to those 21 and over who have never been on a sailboat, as well as those with some experience. The two-day, intensive course includes an interactive classroom instruction plus an on-the-water session to practice boat and sail-handling skills. The next scheduled class is Saturday, October 28, from 9 am to 3 pm. The water session will be held the following Tuesday or Wednesday based on student and instructor availability, weather, and tides. The cost of the course is $100 per student, $25 of which will be refunded if you join TLSC within 30 days. For questions or to register, contact Angela Margolit (973-296-8011 or amargolit@hotmail.com).
Landings Harbor Storage
Dry, wet, and jet ski storage are full, and we will continue to maintain all wait lists. We are beginning to prepare for Phase Two of the Dry Rack Storage Project that will begin at the end of this year. To do so, we need to plan on where to place the boats that are currently in the racks that will be temporarily displaced.
Landings Dry Storage Activity
Delegal Creek Marina (DCM)
Operating hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily
“Food Truck Fridays” at DCM on Friday, October 27 from 4 to 7 pm.
Molly’s Fish and Chips, Naked Dog, and Kona Ice food trucks will be there. Enjoy starting off your weekend without having to worry about what’s for dinner. Grab your family, friends, neighbors, and head down to our beautiful marina on the south end of the island. The food trucks will accept cash and credit cards.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit landings.org to read the original article. https://landings.org/news/2023/10/19/waterfront