Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

CCA Monthly Seminar Presentation

Sean Burgess was the guest speaker at Coastal Conservation Association (CCCA) Skidaway Chapter's monthly seminar on Monday. His presentation focused on the development of water committees that conduct annual reviews, establish overall water policy and promote community conservation of water supply including shallow and deep aquifers. His presentation also included how TLA works closely with CCA Skidaway to implement the fishery management program throughout our lagoon system. Approximately 40 people were in attendance Monday.

Landings Harbor Parking Lot and Perimeter Path

Bennett Paving completed paving Sounding Point Retreat this week. Over the next week, Bennett Paving is scheduled to patch small ride-altering bumps and root intrusions in Marshwood and Oakridge. 















Community Path Maintenance

Absolute Concrete completed operational community path repairs in the Marshwood and Oakridge this week, along with the perimeter walking path at Landings Harbor.

Delegal Marina Deck Board Repairs

In-house staff replaced eight severely damaged deck boards on the south end of the Delegal Marina Pier this week. The piers are evaluated monthly, and any damaged boards are noted and scheduled for replacement thereafter.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.