On the Waterfront


Landings Harbor Marina

Normal Operating Hours: Monday - Sunday  8 a.m. to  5 p.m.








Landings Harbor

Operating Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily

Parking Lot and Fuel Tank Projects








Landings Harbor has been a construction zone lately. The first thing you’ll notice is the entrance to the Marina has been moved. There are signs to direct you to the new flow for the cars coming in and out of the lot. Public Works and contractors have been working hard to create a parking lot that accommodates more cars and added 26 golf cart parking spaces. Once completed, this should alleviate parking issues we have had in the past, especially on busy summer days, weekends, and when events are held at Landings Harbor.

Just outside the gated entrance to the Marina, contractor W. L. Hall Co. is currently working on rerouting the existing piping. Guardian Fuel Technologies installed new chase pipes for the fuel tank project. Guardian Fuel Technologies is tentatively scheduled in October to begin installing the new aboveground fuel tank at Landings Harbor Marina. The existing tanks will be closed and remain underground. There will be a limited disruption with the fuel system while the existing system is closed, and the new tank is placed into service. The Marina will communicate with Marinas members during the project and advise of any scheduled interruptions with fuel.

Landings Harbor Store






Final weekend of the sale!  The sale will go through this Sunday, September 24, with 75% off items on the sale rack. All sales are final.

Our drink fridge has been out of commission since Monday. We had a maintenance rep from Coca Cola, who owns the machine, out to look at it.  He determined that there was a disconnect from the power source to the machine. Replacement parts have been ordered. We apologize for any convenience. 

The Landings Sailing Club (TLSC)

Chatham Sailing Club will be hosting an Oktoberfest Regatta this weekend, September 23 and 24. It is a two-day Regatta on the Wilmington River and Wassaw Sound. Members of TLSC on two of our J24 sailboats will be participating.

There will be a Basic Sailing Course led by a certified Society for the Education of American Sailors (SEA) instructor in collaboration with local sailors from The Landings Sailing Club (TLSC). The class is intended to teach the basics of sailing to those 21 and over who have never been on a sailboat, as well as those with some experience. The two-day intensive course includes an interactive classroom instruction plus an on-the-water session to practice boat and sail-handling skills. The next scheduled class is Saturday, October 28, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The water session will be held the following Tuesday or Wednesday based on student and instructor availability, weather, and tides. The cost of the course is $100 per student, $25 of which will be refunded if you join TLSC within 30 days. For questions or to register, please contact Angela Margolit (973-296-8011 or amargolit@hotmail.com). 

Landings Harbor Storage   

Dry, wet, and jet ski storage are all full.   We will continue to maintain all wait lists. We are beginning to prepare for Phase Two of the Dry Rack Storage Project that will commence at the end of this year. To do so, we need to plan on where to place the boats that are currently in the racks that will be temporarily displaced.

Landings Dry Storage Activity










Delegal Creek Marina (DCM)

Operating hours   9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily

On Monday (September 25), we will start replacing the water spickets on the power centers that have hoses fused to them. We will attempt to salvage the hose, if possible. We will dispose of those that cannot be removed. If you have any questions call Mike (912-224-3885).

Save the Date!  Food Truck Fridays are coming to DCM October 13 and the 27

Delegal Creek Marina will be the location for the Food Truck Fridays on October 13 and 27.  Enjoy starting off your weekend without having to worry about what’s for dinner. Grab your family, friends and neighbors and head down to our beautiful Marina on the south end of the island. The Landings Association will provide the details on which trucks will be present as we get closer to these dates. The food trucks will accept cash and credit cards.  




This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit landings.org to read the original article.