On the Waterfront


Landings Harbor Marina

Normal Operating Hours: Monday - Sunday  8 a.m. to  5 p.m.










Landings Harbor

Operating Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily

Landings Harbor Bubbler Curtain

The bubbler curtain installed in March 2023 under a research and monitoring permit has a scheduled, six-month, bathymetric survey being conducted this week.The results will be compared to the March survey results to determine how much silt is being kept out of the basin as well as how much may be passing through the bubbler curtain.

Hurricane Idalia Aftermath and Future Hurricane Prep

The team reopened Landings Harbor Marina Thursday morning, after the storm came through. There was a section of roofing that was damaged due to high winds over the D, E, and  F rack building. Staff made temporary repairs to secure the remaining section of the roof for safety. This is one reason that the Dry Rack Replacement Project is so important to improving the marina. We are in the process of getting everything ready for Phase Two, which is set to commence before the end of the year and will be completed in 2024. 

As a reminder, storage leases state that the boat owner is solely responsible to secure their boat in the event of adverse weather events and/or choose to remove their vessel from the premises. If the boat is left at the marina, any damage caused by the storm is the owner’s responsibility. Our team secures the Marinas as a priority and cannot be relied upon to help with boats during severe weather or hurricanes. We will assist as best we can as time permits. If you do decide to remove your boat by trailer, we ask that you do so as early as possible since we may not know exactly when we would have to cease forklift operations based on the weather. Please review your lease agreement and the Hurricane Preparation SOP for the Marinas for more detail as to how TLA prepares for sever weather and Hurricanes that threaten the area. We were very fortunate with the past storm that came through, but we have several more weeks of “hurricane season”. You should have a solid plan in place for what you may want to do when the next situation presents itself.

Labor Day Weekend and New Hours   

We had a very busy Labor Day weekend. Sunday and Monday were the busiest days, where we recorded 250 boat movements through BoatCloud. We thank everyone for your patience as we made it through the last big weekend of extended hours with our core staff.  We are now back to our regular schedule which is 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.every day. The hardest adjustment will be on the weekends while we still have summer-like boating weather. Please keep our operating hours in mind as you plan your boating trips. If you come back after hours, tie up safely and we will pull your boat out in the morning unless you let us know otherwise. Remember, the BoatCloud App is the easiest way to communicate with us.

Landings Harbor Parking Lot Project

Public Works has just begun the parking lot project at Landings Harbor. The result will be many more golf cart spots and a reconfigured parking area to allow for more vehicles. Please keep this in mind as you come to the marina to go boating or attend any events scheduled in the picnic and Dockside Bar areas.  


Mike Bousquet’s Retirement Party – This Tuesday!! September 12th 












Mike Bousquet’s Retirement Party is Tuesday, September 12 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Landings Harbor. We are hosting a potluck and invite everyone to join in on the fun. Carey Hilliard’s will be bringing their famous chicken fingers and The Landings Sailing Club will be providing the cake. If possible, please bring your favorite dish (e.g., something simple, such as an appetizer, finger food, etc.)  to share with others. Our goal is to let Mike know what an impact he has had on our Landings Marinas family over the years. Come prepared to share your best “Mike, Mike, Mike” story and well wishes for our honoree! Please RSVP to Jennifer Sabo (jennifers@landings.org or 912-598-5503).  

Landings Harbor Store













Another summer season has come to an end…but it still feels like summer outside! The sale will continue for a couple more weeks. Don’t let these deals pass you by! 40% off select items!

The Landings Sailing Club












The Landings Sailing Club refurbished the keel on “Yankee”.  “Randy” is sporting a new set of UK Sails and a new spinnaker pole. 

Landings Harbor Storage   

Dry, wet, and jet ski storage are all full. We will continue to maintain all wait lists.We are beginning to prepare for Phase Two of the Dry Rack Storage Project that will commence at the end of this year. To do so, we must plan on where to place the boats that are currently in the racks that will be temporarily displaced.


Landings Dry Storage Activity










Delegal Creek Marina

Operating hours   9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily

Delegal Creek Marina survived Hurricane Idalia without any major issues or damage. Operations returned to normal Thursday morning and rolled straight into a busy Labor Day holiday weekend. Please note that the operating hours are now 9 am until 5 pm daily.





This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit landings.org to read the original article.