In The Landings and Beyond
- The Landings Association will be closed to walk-in traffic on Wednesday (August 30). Staff will be available online during normal business hours, as long as they have power. You can reach employees directly via phone and email. If you are not sure who to contact for assistance, please email your question to TLA will reevaluate after the storm to decide if the Association Office (600 Landings Way South) will open late on Thursday (August 31).
- Landings Harbor Marina, including the Harbor Store and Delegal Creek Marina will be closed on Wednesday (August 30). The Marinas will reevaluate after the storm to determine if they need to open late on Thursday (August 31).
- Landings Security will remain open 24 hours.
- Vendor admittance to the community will be restricted to emergency services only on Wednesday (August 30)
- As a precaution, Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools will close in-person learning and will shift to virtual learning on Wednesday (August 30) and Thursday (August 31).
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.