First Responders Update

By Kelly Gordon -
President, First Responders

I find that most people, including myself if I’m being honest, have become complacent when it comes to COVID-19 and the Flu. I remind all of you that if you call us for help and are exhibiting symptoms that could be indicative of the aforementioned, please put on a mask before we arrive for OUR protection.

Along those same lines, if you call us and are later informed you have something contagious that you exposed our group to, please take the time to reach out and let us know. It not only is considerate, but it’s also the right thing to do. That information should be something you share with EVERYONE you’ve been in close proximity with since getting sick.

We often get EMS calls for heat exhaustion this time of year. What we’ve learned over the years is that becoming overheated can most of the time be avoided. I know, I know, you’re all tired of hearing the words, “Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate” being said repeatedly, by me, especially. We want to keep reminding you how important it is to hydrate before, during, and after activities.

Feeling dizzy and “not normal” isn’t something to play around with nor not take seriously. I’ve seen it all too often when someone I know is feeling unwell and continues to play their sport of choice, while simultaneously ignoring obvious symptoms of hypoglycemia, dehydration, or possibly hypotension. If your body is talking to you, LOUDLY, please don’t try to quiet that voice. More importantly, don’t ignore that voice.

Our intuition usually is spot on when it comes to our body and how we are feeling. When you are having symptoms that aren’t “normal”, it’s clearly your body’s way of telling you to stop and listen. Without being dramatic or fearmongering, I warn you all that heat exhaustion can kill you if you don’t take the proper steps to hydrate.

Abnormal heart rhythms also are not something to ignore. If you are experiencing an out of the ordinary feeling in your chest, please seek help. Sometimes you will have a “galloping” feeling if you’re in atrial fibrillation or another abnormal heart rhythm. Others experience shortness of breath or nausea when this occurs. Regardless of the way it’s manifesting with individuals, please don’t continue hitting a ball on the courts or running.

I remember vividly when I experienced atrial fibrillation the first time. It was scary and had I ignored something so out of the blue like that, I potentially could have had a stroke. All abnormal heart rhythms should be documented by a doctor; especially if they’re random and not your normal. It isn’t wise to pretend it’s okay.

Since my last article, I’ve been asked many times what you should do and who should you call if you only need a lift assist or assistance with something non-emergent. If I’m being fully transparent, I don’t have the answer. I’m asking the community to use EMS as it is defined: for emergencies.

Hiring a sitter, home health care, or even reaching out to a neighbor is probably the best solution. Please be mindful that I don’t have all the answers. Back when I started fire/EMS, you could pick up the phone and call Landings Security for help or even the fire department for a public assist, and it was handled easily and without a cost. Today, that isn’t a solution, and I know it is frustrating and hard to wrap your head around. Trust me, I feel the same, having elderly parents out here, too. It’s a precarious situation at best.

I’m sure all of you understand why EMS should be used appropriately. I try to respond quickly to the countless emails and calls I receive from the community. Many of you have questions and concerns about what we do and what should YOU DO in certain scenarios. On those same lines, please know that we are volunteers, and at the end of the day, we work alongside paid personnel who provide emergency medical services. We can’t respond without EMS.

In closing, don’t ever forget that the Skidaway Island First Responders are beyond blessed and truly honored to serve this wonderful community. We are so fortunate to be able to help each of you in a time of crisis and emergency. We will continue to do our best to ensure you’re well taken care of and that you’re never alone when you need us the most.

Stay safe out there, and, of course, don’t forget to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.