Security Update 

By Tim Cook - 
Security Director

As we continue enjoying summer, please take a few minutes, and re-read our Rules and Regulations on golf carts, community paths, scooters (electric and gas), cart free zones, etc. You can find the Rules and Regulations on pages 37-45 of 2023 Landings Residential Directory, or click here. The fine schedule can be found on page 49 of the Directory or here.

Do you recall what the speed limit is on our community paths? Recently, we placed the radar trailer adjacent to the community path along Landings Way North between Tidewater Way and the Dog Park, and we will share the data captured once it’s been verified.

For carts without speedometers, you can find several apps to download on your smartphone to ensure you remain in compliance with speed limits while on the community paths.

Some of the most often witnessed infractions of late include scooters (electric and at least one gas powered) on the community paths, drivers operating golf carts without a valid driver’s license, golf carts being operated in designated cart-free zones, and community path users not adhering to the “the three-foot rule.” Be courteous. Yield to others, and practice due care.

On another note, some delivery companies, such as Amazon are now attempting to deliver packages as early as 4 a.m. Our vendor hours are from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., on Saturday. As a courtesy, we have modified delivery hours to 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

We have commissioned Moffatt & Nichol to complete a traffic engineering study with a focus on the following areas:

  • Speed limits
  • Intersection Analysis
  • Signage
  • Road Markings
  • The Landings Association’s Rules and Regulations directly related to traffic.

We will host a resident drop-in session at The Landings Association’s administrative office (600 Landings Way South) on July 27 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. The purpose of the session is to meet with residents and obtain information and suggestions to make the streets safer within the aforementioned scopes of the study. If you can’t make the drop-in, we will provide a suggestion form that can be completed and submitted.

If you have made it this far and still are reading, thank you! The speed limit on the community paths is 18 MPH pursuant to our Rules and Regulations section H.5., and scooters are prohibited on community paths pursuant to section H.7. The speed limit on our streets is 30 MPH unless posted otherwise in accordance with our Rules and Regulations Section E.1.

Don’t forget, you are one of the most important layers in our overall security plan. Please lock your doors (home and auto), secure your valuables, and report any suspected crime to Chatham County Police Department (911) and then Landings Security (912-598-1982) in a timely manner.

 Let’s have a fun and safe summer!

 Stay safe, and stay well.


























































This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.