Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

Storm Cleanup

This week’s rainstorms brought down thee trees in roadways along with multiple trees in lagoons that were cleared by in-house staff. Landscape crews are working on downfall pickup throughout the community.

Roadway Flooding and Inlet Clearing

Staff responded to six locations with reports of flooding in the roadway. In-house staff responded to each location and were able to clear the inlets and drains, which allowed the areas to drain as designed.

Delegal Marina Bulletin Board Repair

We rebuilt the bulletin board at Delegal Marina using PCV trim board which will prevent rotting.
















Sunset Room Prep-Room Wall Repairs

The repairs were completed to the wall over the sink in the Sunset Prep Room this week, which included the installation of plastic composite siding panels to avoid future issues with the paint peeling. 


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.