Hurricane Town Hall Meeting - Monday, June 12
The Landings Association has organized a Town Hall Meeting for Monday, June 12 at 7 p.m., in Palmetto Club’s Ballroom to cover Hurricane Preparedness.
At this meeting, Chatham Emergency Management Agency’s (CEMA) Community Outreach Specialist Chelsea Sawyer will discuss how best to prepare for a storm. She will be joined by Emergency Director Dennis Jones. A report from this meeting will be provided in E-News for those unable to attend.
It is important for each resident to create a Hurricane Plan and not to rely on the Association for evacuation. You can get help with creating such a plan by reviewing the information beginning on page 64 of your 2023 Landings Residential Directory or by visiting > Emergency Planning.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.