SCC Book Club

Courtesy of Savannah Community Church

The Skidaway Community Church will sponsor a Book Club, which will build faith through shared experiences, according to Dr. Joe Crotty, program director for the church. The Book Club will start Thursday, June 15 at 10:30 a.m. The first book is Love Does, written by Bob Goff.

The group will read a pre-selected book each month. Questions will be developed by the program director and will guide participants in their journey of faith. The book for June can be borrowed from the Pines Library system of GA, purchased locally, or bought through or a digital site. Registration is available through the church's website ( 

For questions or more information, call Crotty (912-598-0151, ex 1104).

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.