Public Works...Working for You!
2023 Community Path Project
Absolute Concrete completed the conversion of the community path (from asphalt to concrete) in The Village from The United Methodist Church to Lake Street. They will address any punch list items next week.
2023 Storm Drain Project
This week, Southeast Pipe began working on the storm drain pipe repairs and cured in place lining in the Marshwood area of the community on Priest Landing Drive. Weather permitting, the contractor estimates this year’s project to take approximately two months to complete, with minimal residential impact.
Deck Board Replacement at Marinas
Staff are working on the replacement of damaged/rotten boards at the Delegal Creek Marina and Landings Harbor. A total of seven boards will be replaced at Landings Harbor Marina, and 13 boards will be replaced at Delegal Creek Marina by the end of next week.
Mailbox and Sign Painting Program
Staff continued working on the mailbox and sign painting program this week. To date, they have completed painting 197 mailbox posts, 47 street signs, and 136 yard plaques within this year’s project scope. As a reminder, 1/3 of the community’s mailbox posts, yard plaques, mailbox numbers, and street signs are painted annually.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.