Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

2023 Community Path Project

Absolute Concrete is working on the conversion of the community path (from asphalt to concrete) in The Village from The United Methodist Church to Lake Street. Absolute Concrete is scheduled to complete the work in The Village by the end of the month.

Turf Transitions at the Oakridge and Deer Creek Village Gates

BrightView, in conjunction with its contractors, completed the installation of new sod behind the Deer Creek Gate this week. As a reminder, this work is included within our annual landscape contract with BrightView. This section of turf will require additional irrigation during the day for one-to-two weeks, to ensure the new sod is getting the proper amount of water for establishment.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.