Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

2023 Road Replacement Project

Bennett Paving completed milling and paving Bartram Road South this week. Public Works staff are working with Bennett Paving and the asphalt plant to schedule the remaining road work within this year’s project scope.

2023 Community Path and Concrete Work

Absolute Concrete continued with the replacement of the asphalt paths in The Village this week. Barring any further weather delays, these paths will be completed mid-May.

2023 Storm Drain Work

Southeast Pipe completed the repairs associated with the storm drain failures at the intersection of Tidewater Way and Hoptree Cross this week. Staff, in conjunction with Southeast Pipe, are working to schedule the remaining capital project work this year.

Turf Transitions at the Oakridge and Deer Creek Village Gates

The work associated with the Oakridge Gate Turf transition continues and is scheduled to be completed next week. Following the installation of each section of turf, Brightview may be required to run the irrigation during the day for 1-2 weeks to ensure the new sod is getting the proper amount of water to get established. Next week, BrightView’s subcontractors will begin working on the turf transition at the Deer Creek Village Gate.

Center Island and TLA Amenity Pine Straw Application

The annual pine straw application of the primary and secondary center islands and amenity areas began this week at the gatehouses. As a reminder, the pine straw application along the center islands is completed annually and is funded operationally.


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.