First Responders Update

By Kelly Gordon -
President, First Responders

Since writing my last article, I’ve had many inquiries about CPR classes and several who’ve asked me where the AEDs are located on the island. I think it’s wonderful that people are actively trying to learn CPR and know what to do in case of an emergency.

My suggestion is simple: Ask questions.

If you are at one of the Club facilities, ask them where their AEDs are located. Become familiar with the places you frequent. All employees of the Clubs know where their equipment is located. Our Publix has one that is visible to everyone. Many have never noticed it. It is located at the front left of the store near the flowers.

Coastal Care Partners recently offered two, free CPR classes. Reach out and ask them when the next one is scheduled. Simply Google “CPR Classes in Savannah” and you’ll have an array of choices. Please be proactive and get certified in CPR.

I recently sat down with a friend who wanted to know more details about how the Skidaway Island First Responders operate. Although I’ve written about this subject dozens of times, I think it is important to repeat it.

When someone calls 912-355-6688, dispatch simultaneously page Skidaway Island First Responders, the on-island Paramedic who drives the responding ambulance (it is also a firetruck), and the off-island transporting ambulance. It’s a system that works beautifully. Although nothing is flawless and sometimes technology doesn’t seamlessly work, we all know how to manage regardless.

We had more than one thousand EMS calls in 2022. ONE THOUSAND! And somehow, we were able to protect and serve this community with 21 VOLUNTEERS and a great support team of Chatham Emergency Services paid personnel.

Sometimes, I wish HIPAA didn’t exist so the naysayers could ride along with us. The hours spent working for this community, the wear and tear on our personal vehicles, and the effort it takes to do what we do is greatly undervalued by many. I’ve always said, “You don’t know how special our group is until you need us.”

I have been quite impressed recently with the number of people who have their yellow medical cards filled out and readily available for us. If you don’t have one, please go to The Landings Association’s office (600 Landings Way South) and pick up one. Make sure you fill out a card for EVERY family member regardless of age. They need to be updated with every medication change and any new health history. You can place them in a plastic baggy and put them on the right-side door inside your refrigerator

Please do not wait to call us in the event of an emergency. Call us before you call a neighbor or family member. My parents live in The Marshes. They’ve been instructed to call 912-355-6688 before they call me. Panic and adrenaline make all of us anxious. Take a breath and pick up the phone. Make sure you give dispatch as much information as possible.

If you live in The Marshes or Thrive, please let security and/or the concierge desk know we are coming. That being said, CALL US FIRST. Make sure you tell dispatch exactly where you’re located. Be specific. Time is of the essence when you need EMS for a TRUE emergency.

Thank you to every single organization and person who has donated to the Skidaway Island First Responders. Your support means so much, and we couldn’t do what we do without the outpouring of kindness and encouragement. As summer approaches, be mindful of the heat, and don’t forget to stay hydrated.


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.