CCA Skidaway Chapter Named 2022 Volunteer Group of the Year

Lynn Lewis -
Communications Manager

Not all superheroes help make the world a better place while wearing indestructible suits, wielding their superpowers, and hiding their identities. Some carry fishing poles, organize fishing events for kids, and have a passion for the environment and giving back to the community. This most certainly is the case with Coastal Conservation Association Skidaway Chapter (CCA). The group recently was named The Landings Association’s 2022 Volunteer Group of the Year.

CCA was founded in 1978 to address the drastic commercial overfishing in our coastal waters. Since that time, the organization has grown to more than 200 chapters and 130,000 members in 17 coastal states. Dave Devore, president of CCA Skidaway, said CCA is honored to be chosen as the 2022 Volunteer Group of the Year.

“CCA is the voice of the recreational angler,” Devore said. “The objective of CCA is to conserve, promote, and enhance coastal marine resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the general public.”

CCA Skidaway takes its charge to give back to the community very seriously. Historically, the group holds four signature events each year, including an Annual Banquet/Fundraiser, a Kids’ Fishing Derby, an Oyster Roast & Pig Pickin’, and an Annual Fish Fry and Volunteer of the Year Banquet.

“Our Kid’s Fishing Derby, held in the spring, is for our younger island residents to come out and fish in our well stocked Kids’ Fishing Lagoon,” Devore said. “Our year-end Oyster Roast & Pig Pickin’ is quite legendary in the community and draws a huge crowd. Recently, we’ve added fly fishing clinics and fresh and saltwater spin casting clinics to encourage fishing in our 150+ island lagoons.”

CCA understands that fishing is a great activity for families and children, and places an emphasis on offering events that are kid friendly, fun, and educational.

“We launched Cast Away Kids Club a few years ago to introduce our younger islands residents to local wildlife and basic fishing skills. Most recently, we implemented a series of introduction to fishing programs for off island kids’ groups, including Safe Shelter, Salvation Army, New Horizons, Scouts, etc.”

 Landings Association General Manager/COO Karl Stephens said The Landings is fortunate to have such dedicated and giving volunteers like CCA.

“CCA has given so much to our community over the years and continues on with the spirit of service and teaching,” he said. “How gratifying to see CCA’s volunteers open up our community to bring in the less privileged and show them how to fish. The camaraderie they share and their willingness to give back speaks volumes about this organization.”

Sean Burgess echoes Stephens’ sentiments that CCA members have made a meaningful impact in The Landings.

 “TLA and CCA have an amazing partnership to develop our lagoon systems into one of the best fisheries in the Southeast,” Burgess said. “Since 1996, CCA has raised and invested more than $400,000 dollars to develop and implement a scientific-based fishery management program for The Landings’ residents. These programs include electrofishing, juvenile seining, stocking, fish structures, education, and conservation. None of these offerings would be possible without CCA’s support. We are grateful for our partnership.”

Despite all the praise, CCA simply sees themselves as doing what they can for the community they love; and they encourage others to join them.

“If you’re interested in ‘how to catch the big one’, for a small donation you can purchase an annually updated Lagoon Guide from CCA,” Devore said. “But if you’re interested in really making a difference, join CCA at”

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.