On the Waterfront
Landings Harbor Marina
Normal Operating Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daily
Landings Harbor Dry Storage Project
The timber bunks and ground rack frames arrived and were assembled by the Marinas staff this week. These racks will be used to store 25 boats currently in the building that is being replaced and then be the permanent ground level racks for the future building. We plan to use most of the wash racks and a few other locations to store the remaining boats until the project phase is complete. If you need the use of a wash rack space during the project, please contact us for first availability. We ask that you please use the wash rack space for only the time absolutely necessary. If you have an outside vendor working on your boat, like a detailer, please make them aware of the situation and contact us before scheduling that appointment. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work towards having this project not interfere with regular operations at the marina.
Dredging Project
Dolan Yacht Service, Inc. is continuing with the dredging project. So far, the project is going very smoothly. The dredge pipes are marked with floats in the basin, allowing our boaters to maneuver in and out of the Harbor.
Bubbler Curtain
After working with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources over the past two years, Landings Harbor Marina has received the research and monitoring permit for the bubbler curtain system. The bubbler curtain diffusers will be installed on the river bottom in the entrance to the Harbor basin, and the compressors will be mounted on the dock near the end of the west dock. The effects from the bubbles introduced into the water column will create turbulence that is designed to keep the silt and sediment from entering the basin. Vessel traffic and marine life can easily pass through the curtain of bubbles without any issues. The project is permitted for a two-year period to monitor and document the results.
Landings Association Videos
This past week, two new marina videos were uploaded to The Landings Association website and our YouTube channel. Find out all the latest on the Dredging Project, Phase One of the Dry Rack System, and the newly received permit for the Bubbler Curtain for the basin at Landings Harbor Marina.
The Landings Sailing Club
Frostbite Race #3 was held last weekend. Good wind and 14 boats at the start, including two J/70s from the South Carolina Yacht Club. A great day for TLSC boats. Bonnie Blue took first place over two races in the Spinnaker Class (7 boats). Scholar took first place in the Rhodes 19 for the short course.
Forklift Maintenance
Maintaining the forklifts is crucial to operations at Landings Harbor. The Marinas staff worked on one of our winter projects that included prepping, priming, and painting one of our Marina forklifts. New non-skid strips were installed as the finishing touches.
Landings Harbor Storage
The Landings Harbor Marina dry storage is technically just under full capacity. Recent boat departures have left three slips open that we are going to use temporarily to help us hold boats while we work through the dry rack project. The wet slips and jet ski spaces are 100% full. We continue to maintain a waiting list for all slips and will fill the slips as available.
Landings Dry Storage Activity
Delegal Creek Marina
Operating Hours 9 AM – 5 PM Daily
We've had the no-wake zone buoys get away from us during some extreme weather, along with a couple of channel markers. We have retrieved the no wake zone buoys and have the markers and hardware on order. Once the order is received and the anchors constructed, the buoys will be returned to their locations. The website channel entrance chart for Delegal Creek has been updated to notify mariners of the buoys that are currently off station.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit landings.org to read the original article. https://landings.org/news/2023/01/26/waterfront