Landlovers Toys for Tots Holiday Cart Parade Set for Sunday, December 4

By Karen Duncan

The Landings Landlovers Holiday Decorated Golf Cart Parade is Sunday, December 4. At 3 p.m.begin to gather at The Landings Association Building (600 Landings Way South). The Parade will start at 3:30 p.m. and include a special, final cart with our own Santa and his “sleigh” collecting Toys For Tots along the route and at the After Party!  Bring a new, unwrapped toy with you. We'll end our parade at Landings Harbor Marina, where the party continues with music, you can view all the decorated carts, food trucks, and visit the Landlovers Tiki Hut for hot chocolate and treats from the One Hundred Children's Foundation. Join us as we light the Landings Christmas Palm Tree. All are welcome in the parade, along the route, or at the After Party. Start planning your cart now! To be added to our eblast for updates, please email



This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.