Chatham County Fire Fee

By Lynn Lewis -
Communications Manager 

By now, some residents may have received bills from Chatham County for the new fire fee. Although the bills have taken some time to arrive, the initial decision was made by the County on May 13, 2022 to adopt a fire fee for unincorporated areas. The Chatham County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to repeal the fire tax adopted in December 2021, and replace it with a Fire Services Fee. However, it took some time to finalize the fee structure and issue invoices.

What You Need to Know

The fire fee includes a flat $100 charge for land, and a rate based on the square footage of residents' improved property, which includes all structures that could catch fire and burn (including areas like garages). The square footage for each property was obtained through Chatham County Board of Assessors records.

The square footage portion of the fee works on a tiered rate system, as outlined in the chart below. Once properties hit 6,000 or more square feet, the rate jumps into the thousands. 

Who to Contact For More Information 

If you are unclear about your bill and need more information, please email Chatham County by clicking here. 

You also can learn more on Chatham County's website, including reading some frequently asked questions. You can view the total square footage of improvements of your property here.














This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.