Public Works...Working for You!
Evergreen Chipping Facility Fire
Late last Friday or early Saturday morning, one of the chip piles at the Evergreen Chipping Facility caught fire. The Fire Department and Evergreen staff responded to the fire and have continued to monitor the fire 24/7 to make sure it remains contained. The pile is still smoldering (smoke and little to no flames), and while the Fire Department told Evergreen staff to let it burn out, Evergreen has been utilizing a watering truck and little to help put the smoldering pile out (a fire hydrant is not close enough to the facility for use). Evergreen will continue to monitor the pile until its extinguished.
Diamond Concrete Products Site Visit
On Thursday, several Public Works Managers and staff met onsite with the Diamond Concrete Products team in Guyton, GA. In addition to touring the facility, staff received an overview of their company, production outline, material/product sourcing, and quality control. These site visits are beneficial to staff to ensure we continue to use the most durable, cost-effective products on the market, while networking and learning about different processes and materials.
Beneficial Reuse Material Program
Staff began placing beneficial reuse material (from the street sweeping program) along areas adjacent to community paths with little to no ground cover. This material will provide a more aesthetically pleasing look, while helping prevent the further erosion of soils.
Sustainable Lagoon Treatment: Moleaer Meeting
On Tuesday, Public Works staff and Utilities, Inc. met with Molearer to discuss sustainable treatment options for both the wastewater system and lagoon management. The technology being utilized is nanobubbles, which can improve water quality parameters by transferring oxygen into the system, lessening algae growth.
BrightView Landscapes Flower Bed Transitions
This week, BrightView Landscapes began to replace the flower beds at TLA-owned facilities and gatehouses. These flower bed replacements are completed four times a year and are included in our annual landscape contract with BrightView.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.