New Smartphone App to Take the Place of Smart911

By Lynn Lewis -
Communications Manager

As we prepare to launch a new, more robust smartphone app, your Landings Association has discontinued use of the Smart911 notification platform. In the meantime, emergency notifications will be sent via webmaster emails. To date, TLA has emails for 97 percent of members.

Although the Association currently has a phone app through its third-party maintenance-issue reporting platform SeeClickFix, the existing app is limited in functionality. The new phone app will communicate with TLA’s residential database and software systems and offer a “one-stop-shop” user experience. The app will allow emergency push notifications and general messaging.

The creation of this new mobile app will fulfill the Strategic Plan Action to “Explore desire for and possibility of a more robust phone app for the Association.”

In addition to eliminating the need for Smart911, it also will eliminate the need for SeeClickFix, as it will be designed to perform the same processes.

Please watch for Landings Association emails outlining more information regarding the new mobile app’s beta testing and launch as details become available.



At left, is a collage of three screenshots from the new TLA app.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.