First Responders Update
I officially welcome our newest graduating class of Skidaway Island First Responders! We are unbelievably proud of each of them for selflessly giving their time to this community. In just a short time, I am already impressed with their commitment and eagerness to jump right in and run calls.
If you are on Facebook, please visit the new Skidaway Island First Responders page and like and share it. The more exposure we get, the better informed our community will be. Our page is frequently updated with news and pictures by our fabulous social media expert, Kelly Weaver.
We have seen quite a number of falls lately, and I think it’s worth repeating the dos and don’ts related to some of the causes of these incidents. Make sure you’re using the rails on the stairs inside and outside your home and buildings. It’s easy to hurry up and down stairs carrying groceries, a pet, a cup of coffee, or even a laundry basket.
I’ve learned the hard way that it takes one misstep to suffer a serious injury. I broke my foot a few years ago trying to be Wonder Woman. I thought carrying a huge box of heavy objects as I walked down a flight of stairs into a garage would end well. News flash…It did not.
We all feel invincible sometimes and consider using a crutch of any kind a blow to our egos. Make sure you are extra careful and deliberate when your hands are not free. If it takes more than one trip to and from the garage with groceries, is it really the end of the world? I think not.
I remind the community to inform all guests about the white lights on our vehicles. I was headed to a pretty serious call last week, and a contractor in a pickup truck saw me behind him, stopped in the middle of the road, got out, approached my vehicle, and threw his hands in the air, asking me what all my flashing lights were for and if they were necessary. I politely and quickly told him I was a medical First Responder, and he apologized and ran back to his car, clearly embarrassed for detaining me. This interruption took almost two minutes.
If you have contractors or guests coming to your home, please let them know there are volunteer firefighters and emergency medical responders who drive their personal vehicles with flashing white lights on their dash/roof, and they usually have their hazard lights on as well. It’s a simple reminder that can help get us to an emergency safely and more efficiently.
Recently, I was asked if our group responds to calls in the middle of the night. We run calls 24 hours a day and always have someone on call between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. There are many times that multiple calls drop at the same time. We do our best to respond to every one of them. Please be mindful that if you call, your wait time might be longer if we are on another call. But allow me to reassure all of you that someone is coming to render aid. Hence the reason I beg the community NOT to call us for non-emergent reasons.
I often mention bringing a drink to stay hydrated, and I’ve been remiss in not also saying to carry a snack. If you’re diabetic and run the risk of becoming hypoglycemic before you make it home, bring something with you to prevent a hypoglycemic episode so that you can drive safely and not risk your life or someone else’s behind the wheel of a car.
Take a pack of peanut butter crackers or a banana. It doesn’t take much to tide you over if your blood sugar is getting low. We have often seen the outcome after someone passes out from low blood sugar, and they always say the same thing: “I knew I should have eaten something.”
Whether chugging a Gatorade, eating a snack, or simply holding onto a railing near stairs, we want you to take the extra measures necessary to stay safe. It truly doesn’t take much to try to take care of yourself.
We are here for you and will ALWAYS be there when you need us. All we ask is that you slow down, think about your day, assess what kind of risks you might be taking by not being prepared, and also know that Murphy’s Law exists. It’s never too late to PUT YOURSELF FIRST. You matter. We care.
Finally, I thank the very kind person who called TLA Security to alert my team that her spouse tested positive for COVID-19. You are the only person since the pandemic began to alert us of such news after we’ve left a call. It was quite considerate and greatly appreciated. We use an app that shows who responds to all our medical calls. It was easy to contact trace and give those exposed the courtesy we all deserve.
Stay safe, and enjoy the rest of your summer!
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.