On the Waterfront
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday-Sunday
Landings Harbor Marina
The afternoon thunderstorms have continued to impact the level of activity at the marinas. Our team continued to replace wheels on the jet ski racks and perform routine maintenance on the property.
A new air conditioner unit will be installed for the Marina Office/Ship’s Store this week.
Marina Ship’s Store
The ship’s store is the perfect place to bring your out-of-town family and guests so that they can bring a Landings Harbor shirt or hat back to their hometown to remember their time here.
The remaining 50th Anniversary apparel and merchandise is 50% off! Sizes are limited, so get it before their gone.
The ice cream freezer is freshly stocked with various ice cream novelties and single serve Leopold’s cups (vanilla, chocolate, butter pecan, coffee, mint chocolate chip, chocolate chip, peanut butter chippy, and strawberry). Bring the whole family down for a treat!
Landings Sailing Club
The Landings Sailing Club (TLSC) is for those who love to sail already or would love to learn how to sail. TLSC operates a fleet of sailboats owned by The Landings Association. Members pay monthly dues to maintain this fleet of boats. The dues entitle you and your family to unlimited usage of the boats, based on skill and availability. TLSC members go on leisurely sails and participate in races amongst each other and other boaters in the area. They do monthly Moonlight Sails and Friday Beer Can Sails every other week, followed by food and drinks at the Dockside Bar. For more information, email landingssailing@gmail.com. Or you may find them on Facebook: facebook.com/TheLandingsSailingClub.
Dry Storage
The Landings Harbor Marina dry, wet, and jet ski storage is at full capacity. We continue to maintain a waiting list for all slips.
Landings Dry Storage Activity
Delegal Creek Marina
8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Daily
Delegal Creek Marina
We've installed eight new nylon cleats for crab traps along the inside of the floating dock. Please use them in accordance with GA law. Happy trapping!
It's been a slow month due to the inclement weather. We’re hoping to see more boaters as the weather becomes more cooperative.
“B” dock slip side power centers were inspected last week by Evans Electric. A couple of weak breakers were identified and replaced Thursday morning, July 21.
Please don't hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions regarding kayak rentals, weather conditions, or slip availability. If you're thinking of getting a slip it would behoove you to get on the list now, as we have 55 residents in line as of today.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit landings.org to read the original article. https://landings.org/news/2022/07/22/waterfront