The Landings Garden Club Spring Luncheon: April 26
The Landings Garden Club (LGC) is holding its Spring Luncheon on April 26 from 9 noon in The Landings Club Palmetto Ballroom. This promises to be a festive event, with a buffet lunch and a very interesting speaker.
The speaker is Laura C. Martin, who has been writing about wildflowers for much of her life and wrote a gardening column focusing on growing native plants for nine years for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Her best-selling book, Wildflower Folklore, sold more than 85,000 copies. Her book, Nature’s Art Box, has sold more than 65,000 copies. Martin has been a guest speaker for multiple national organizations, has appeared on numerous television and radio shows, and earned a Certificate of Botanical Art and Illustration from the New York Botanical Garden, allowing her to illustrate her own books. She has earned multiple awards for her books and uses her scientific background as a botanist, her artistic skills, and her experiences from a long and illustrious career.
The Landings Garden Club (LGC) is a federated club and is a part of National Garden Clubs, The Garden Club of Georgia, and the Savannah Area Council of Garden Clubs. The LGC is devoted to beautification, conservation, and education, and has many activities on Skidaway Island, to promote great gardening and landscaping.
This event is open to the public. Visit The Landings Garden Club website for registration information (
Please tube or mail $38 cash or a check made payable to The Landings Garden Club to Pam Patterson (4 Goddard Lane, Savannah, GA 31411). The deadline for registration is April 19 or when capacity is reached.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.