General Manager's Update 2-23-2022
Dear Landings Association Members,
In February, The Landings Association’s Board of Directors held the second day of its annual retreat in the Administration Building, to cover Communications and Technology, both key items in the new Strategic Plan. Look for more details as we begin implementing action steps based on identified priorities for this year.
Also in February, the Board approved two major capital projects – the community path replacements and the storm drain repairs. Materials costs have continued to rise, and contractor availability has decreased, so we wanted to lock in these projects as early in the year as possible. For our community paths, after the work this year, all paths within the gates that can be converted to concrete from asphalt will have been completed. (A couple of paths near the marsh are grandfathered in as asphalt, but if they are replaced, the replacement must be with impervious materials.) Of note, even since the 2022 Budget was created in November 2021, concrete costs have increased almost 12%.
On a more positive note, regarding the storm drain pipes, our new waterproof, remote-controlled camera is helping us identify problem areas to address before potholes occur or worsen, or roads fail. We are starting to see issues not only with corrugated metal pipes, but also with concrete pipes that have joint separations. This year, your Association will spend more than $500,000 repairing this infrastructure. That is why it is critical to maintain a strong Capital Reserves Fund.
Please mark your calendars for March 3 for the Association’s Annual Meeting. This event will be held at 7 p.m. in the Palmetto Club Ballroom and will provide an opportunity to show what we accomplished last year while also sharing the focus for this year. The Annual Report, with audited financial statements, is now posted. You can view this document by clicking 2021 Annual Report.Â
As a reminder, we, your Landings Association staff, are here to serve you and to uphold our community’s Rules and Regulations, Architectural Guidelines, and the like. We understand that these processes can be emotional and stressful for many, and we are here to help. In my two, short months in this new role as General Manager, I have reminded the staff that we want what is best for the entire community and will continue to work towards these goals. Please remember, our team is here to maintain our community standards to help ensure the value of your investments and to do the best job we can to support The Landings as a whole.
If there’s an area of concern or improvement you would like to share, or you just want to let us know what’s going well, please drop me a line ( Your feedback is important to us and helps us to achieve our goal of continuous improvement.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.