Help TLA Customize Communications
Your Landings Association works to bring you details about initiatives and projects in the community via emails, Latest Notes & News, and The Landings Journal. Additionally, we try to answer questions and concerns, to help you separate the facts from rumors in communications such as Backyard Buzz and In the Pipeline.
For those members who like to connect via social media, we have an active Facebook Group, Conservation Corner Facebook page, YouTube, and Instagram (Landings Harbor Marina and Delegal Marina also have Facebook pages). However, despite our best efforts, we sometimes fail to provide the answers to questions our residents want to know.
If you want more information about a particular issue or wish to share suggestions or concerns, please email us at If you want to catch up on The Latest Landings News, click here. To reference past issues of The Landings Journal, dating back to 1976, click here. You must be logged in with your username and password to view this area of the website.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.