Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

Bollard Program Annual Inspection

On Tuesday, staff began the annual inspection, repair, and replacement of community path bollards located throughout the community. Bollards exist on community paths to prohibit vehicles from driving onto and damaging the paths, while providing additional safety for pedestrians who walk/run/bike along the path system from adverse interactions with vehicles/trucks.

Reflective/ Non-Reflective Signage Program

Staff began the annual inspection, repair, and replacement of damaged reflective signage (STOP signs, speed limit signs, yield signs, et al) throughout the community. The objective of this program is to keep all signage within the community visible at night, well-maintained, and provide uniformity amongst the signage. Staff are currently working in the Deer Creek area of the community. Once this area is completed, staff will move into Moon River Landing and Marshview Landing.

Road Tree Pruning Program – Landings Way South

Staff continued with the 2022 Winter Road Tree Pruning Program this week, working along Landings Way South. As a reminder, this program is completed operationally and encompasses lifting up the canopies over the roadways to provide proper heights for emergency vehicles and other large vehicles within the community.

Lagoon Cutbacks – Deer Creek and Oakridge

This week, staff completed lagoon cutbacks in Deer Creek and began working in the Oakridge section of the community. As a reminder, this program is completed operationally and encompasses uplifting of vegetation overhanging the lagoons as well as removing woody and new growth around the lagoon banks. This program helps improve the aesthetics of the lagoons while also helping to keep the banks clear enough to allow adequate access for lagoon maintenance personnel.

Curb Repair

Absolute Concrete is working to complete repairs to the curbing located in The Settlement this week. This work is being completed ahead of the 2022 Road Repair and Resurfacing program that is scheduled to begin next month.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.