General Manager's Update
Dear Landings Association Members,
I am honored to be selected by The Landings Association’s Board of Directors as the Association’s next General Manager/COO. I look forward to helping lead The Landings into the next 50 years, as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary this year. With my background in broadcast journalism, I plan to take a more active role in communications…from Facebook Live broadcasts to podcasts and other means of sharing information with the community. I also want to hear from you. What is working well…how can we improve? Please email me ( when you have feedback to share.
As we begin the New Year, the Board makes appointments to the various Association committees. I’m pleased to report we had close to 50 new applications for committee membership for 2022. Based on the skill sets of the applicants, we placed most of those who applied, to join with continuing committee members. Having a fresh approach of new members on all the committees helps ensure the best results.
One of those groups is the 50th Anniversary Committee. The first action of one of the subcommittees was to tag the year-long celebration as “Cheers to 50 Years!” The intent is not to say we’re an old community, but to celebrate the fact that ours is one that is in its strongest position yet. Our community is well positioned to compete for new residents and provide the services demanded for many years to come. Please look for announcements on upcoming events throughout the year and plan to celebrate this milestone anniversary with us, whether you’ve been here since the beginning or have just moved here.
At the December 2021 Board Meeting, the Board approved the 2022 Operating and Capital Budgets. This followed months of work by various committees and staff. Inflation is having a significant impact, but we worked through various issues with input from all involved to provide a Budget that meets The Landings’ needs.
One major component is the annual streets resurfacing project. Based on negotiations between Public Works staff and the vendor that completed work in 2021, we locked in a rate using the same unit price, which is a major savings compared to the current, inflated prices on the market.
As always, you can view the Budget at and select Governing Documents > 2022 Budget or click here. This document provides detailed information on planned revenues and expenditures for the year. You also can read highlights from the Budget in the January 2022 Budget Box.
Have a Happy New Year!
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.