Newsletter from the Coastal Health District (November 12, 2021)

The following information is courtesy of the Georgia Department of Public Health Coastal Health District


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Weekly Update for 11.12.21
Child and Teen COVID Vaccination: What to Expect

This week, the Coastal Health District expanded its COVID-19 vaccination program to include pediatric vaccines for children aged 5-11 in several clinic locations.

Scheduling an appointment is easy - just visit and click the button to schedule a pediatric COVID vaccine visit at the Chatham or Glynn County Health Departments.

The next step is preparing your child for vaccination. The experience will be similar to getting routine vaccines. Here are a few tips and suggestions to consider:  

  • Talk to your child before vaccination about what to expect. Be honest with your child. Explain that shots can pinch or sting, but that it won’t hurt for long.
  • Engage other family members, especially older siblings, to support your child.
  • Remind your child that vaccines can keep him or her healthy.
  • Celebrate the completion of this important milestone with a small treat like a lollipop or going to the park for the afternoon.
  • Make sure your attitude is calm and confident. Your child will often take their cues from you, so be warm, attentive, and relaxed.

After Vaccination

Your child may have some side effects after vaccination, similar to the side effects experienced by some adults. 

There may be some pain, redness, and swelling in the arm where your child got the shot. It's also possible that your child could experience some tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, or nausea.

These side effects are normal signs that your child's body is building protection. Side effects are usually mild and should go away in a few days. Some people have no side effects and severe allergic reactions are rare. It is not recommended you give pain relievers before vaccination to try to prevent side effects.

COVID-19 vaccine for adults and children is free of charge in the United States, regardless of immigration or health insurance status. In addition to public health locations, pediatric COVID-19 vaccine is also available in many doctor's offices and pharmacies.

If you have questions about vaccines and your child, please talk with your pediatrician or your local health department. More information is also available on the websites of the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics


Sesame Street: The ABCs of COVID Vaccines

Looking for a way to help your child feel comfortable with getting the COVID vaccine? Sesame Street and CNN have teamed up again on an all-new Town Hall special, “The ABCs of COVID Vaccines."

Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Erica Hill, along with Big Bird and friends, helps answer questions from kids and families about the COVID-19 vaccine, recently approved for children ages 5-11. 


Get Started with v-safe

V-safe is a free, confidential smartphone-based tool that uses text messaging and web surveys to provide personalized health check-ins after COVID-19 vaccination and can be used for adults and children.

Through v-safe, you can report how you or your child is feeling after getting vaccinated. V-safe also reminds you when it's time for a second dose.

Click here to learn more about v-safe.


Mobile COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics in the Coastal Health District

The Coastal Health District and CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort) offer mobile vaccination clinics throughout our area. The clinics are open to anyone age 12 and older, and there is no cost for vaccine.

Click the button below to view upcoming events and pre-register for an appointment. Walk ups are also welcome.

More Info about Mobile Vaccine Clinics

Consider This: COVID-19 has killed more Americans in 2 years than HIV/AIDS since the 1980s.

COVID-19 has taken 750,000 American lives in the last two years. That number now surpasses the 700,000 deaths from HIV/AIDS in the United States in the last four decades, making COVID-19 our country's deadliest pandemic. 

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This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.