Public Works...Working for You!
Recent Rain Event
The island received approximately 9 inches of rainfall between Sunday night through Tuesday morning this week which resulted in flooded roads, community paths and high-water levels in our lagoons. Several members of the Public Works staff were onsite after hours during these heavy rain events to clean and clear the drains throughout the community.
Construction Projects – Roads and Community Paths
Due to the amount of rainfall the island received this week, the operational road repairs and community path repairs have been delayed. Once the surfaces have had time to dry, the contractors will begin working on completing their respective projects.
2021 Athletic Field Project and Improvements
Since the installation of the new perimeter path around the ballfield, patrons have been using unauthorized motor vehicles and bicycles on the field and path. In order to preserve and protect this asset, staff designed, constructed, and installed additional fencing to prevent misuse of the facility. As a reminder, golf carts, bicycles and dogs are not permitted on or around the new Athletic field or walking trail. Staff has installed bike racks at each end of the park for resident use and convenience.
Annual Mailbox and Sign Painting Program
Each year, the Public Works Department refurbishes and repaints 1/3 of the community’s mailbox posts, mailbox house numbers, yard plaques and street signs within the community. This program is funded operationally and is typically contracted out due to the amount of time and extent of work associated with the annual program. However, staff reached out to over ten paint contractors in and around the Savannah area to obtain bids for this project all of which either declined to bid on the project or exceeded the budgeted amount (two of the bids provided were well over double the budgeted amount of $28,000). There are several reasons for this significant increase which include, but are not limited to, labor shortages, increases in the cost of materials and/or a lack of required insurance to cover employees and the work within the project scope.
Therefore, inhouse staff is taking on the additional workload to address all units in the Deer Creek and Oakridge phases of the community this year. To date, staff has completed the units in Deer Creek and are working in the Oakridge area of the community. They are currently working on Cabbage Crossing, White Oak Circle, and Salt Wind Circle. Please be aware that staff is working in these areas and use caution as they work along the roadway.
RV Yard Maintenance
This week, staff regraded some of the low spots along the driving surface in the RV Yard located off McWhorter Drive. This maintenance is completed twice a year at each RV Yard.
Tidewater Square Pothole
On Wednesday, staff was notified about the formation of a pothole in Tidewater Square near the Tidewater Way entrance. This pothole formation and degradation of sub-base comes after nine inches of heavy rainfall earlier in the week. Staff placed cones around the area and are working with our contractor to determine the best route for repair.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.