Landings Landlovers Opening Reception

Courtesy of Landings Landlovers

Join your friends and neighbors at the Landings Landlovers Opening Reception in the Palmetto Ballroom on Tuesday, September 28, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. This event is free to all Skidaway Island residents interested in learning about Landlovers. For more information, email Judy Waller or Milli Sample ( or visit

Enjoy complimentary appetizers and a member/cash bar, while you learn about the fun we have planned for this year.  Most recurring activities such as Canasta, Bunco, breakfast and lunch groups, etc, will restart in the fall, along with some new ones including Mexican Train Dominoes, Ladies 9-hole Golf, Just Dance, and our Cryptocurrency Interest Group.

This year’s Social Events will include the Holiday Party, Winter Social, Games Day, a Home Tour, and the ever popular Flea Market and Auctionmania. Join or renew your 2021-2022 membership, sign up for activities, social events, and volunteer for worthy philanthropic projects. 

 At the reception, we are promoting the mission of Safe Shelter, which provides safe, confidential services to all victims of domestic violence. Please bring a check or cash donation or paper products and cleaning supplies.  













Landlovers Opening Reception 2019

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.