First Responders Update
I’m confused. I’m legitimately baffled by how many EMS calls we’ve received over the past month with no regard to OUR personal well-being. We come into your home wearing a mask and gloves so that we don’t bring anything into your home. It would be kind and responsible for you and your loved ones to put on a mask before we arrive to do the same for us.
The number of COVID-19 positive cases here is astounding. We are a community, and with that comes great responsibility. We must respect and look out for each other. Many of the Skidaway Island First Responders, including me, are immunocompromised. Yet, we still come to take care of you. Please mask up. It’s the least you can do.
We are still running into issues with patients and their spouses not knowing medical history. Please go to The Landings Association (600 Landings Way South) and pick up the yellow medical cards. Take the time to fill them out and place them inside a plastic bag. Once you’ve done this, you can put them on the side of your fridge with a magnet or inside the right door. We will need them only if you are unable to provide pertinent information.
PSA: Parents and grandparents who still think it’s cool and safe to let your baby, toddler, or small child sit in your laps while driving or riding in a golf cart need to seriously consider the risk you are taking with that CHILD. Having worked a terrible golf cart accident on July 4th, let me be the first to tell you, it doesn’t always end well. A golf cart is a vehicle. I’m always shocked when I witness someone putting a child’s life at risk. Please be mindful of what can happen if you have an accident in the cart.
If you have teenagers, please let them know taking down street signs is dangerous for EMS and fire responders. I recently was headed to a call and missed the street because the sign was taken down. Thank goodness it wasn’t a serious call, but if it had been a cardiac arrest or stroke, it quite possible could have caused someone to die. Teenagers will be teenagers. I raised two myself. Maybe if you take the time to communicate with them about the consequences, they might have second thoughts before going to rip off a sign.
Heat exhaustion continues to be an issue. If you choose to be in the heat for an extended amount of time, smack in the middle of the hottest part of the day, please plan accordingly. Hydrate before, during, and after all outdoor activities. If you are diligent about hydration and listening to your body, you should be fine. It only takes minutes to go from fine to needing fluids at a hospital.
I try hard to stay in my lane when it comes to vaccines. I think people deserve and have the right to make choices about their own body. If you’ve chosen not to get vaccinated for COVID-19, please take care of yourself, and wear a mask when you are indoors and around large groups of people. You are at a much greater risk of getting COVID-19 than the vaccinated. I don’t want any of you to get sick and potentially die when you easily can protect yourself with a mask. I care about everyone on this island.
When you call Chatham Emergency Services dispatch at 912-355-6688, PLEASE let them know if you have symptoms of, have been exposed to, or have COVID-19. Remember, the people who answer the phone at dispatch aren’t just answering calls for Skidaway Island. They are taking calls from all over Chatham County. They multitask by listening, typing, talking, and trying to ask as many questions as they can so that they give us the correct information. They are NOT mind readers. The more information they have the better it is for everyone. You are not only exposing the Skidaway Island First Responders, but also Landings Security, the on-island paid Paramedic and firefighter, and the off-island EMS crew. This circles back to my first paragraph. Be considerate. We are all here for you anytime you need us. Please think of all of us when you’re calling for our assistance. We matter.
I hope all of you are staying healthy and doing your due diligence to keep those around you safe. We must always look out for and take care of one another. We live in such a beautiful place. Every single one of us has a responsibility to our neighbors. Don’t let political differences and cynical minds warp us of this magical place we reside. We are all so truly blessed to call Skidaway Island our home.
Thank you for your continued support of the Skidaway Island First Responders!
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.