Governor Kemp Issues New COVID-19 Guidance Executive Orders
On Thursday, August 19, Governor Brian Kemp signed Executive Order and regarding COVID-19 Regulatory Suspensions in Georgia. In addition, he renewed the State of Emergency for Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery.
Click Here to read the State of Emergency Order
Click here to read the Regulatory Suspensions Executive Order
Click here to read the Continued COVID-19 Economic Recovery Order
This final Order specifically disallows local governments the power or authority to "shut down" the economy. In addition, the Order allows a private sector company or organization to disregard a local government's ordinance, order, rule, or regulation enacted pursuant to emergency authority or a declaration of emergency related to COVID-19. Further, the Order disallows any local governments or law enforcement from compelling private sector businesses or organizations to enforce any local mandate or local order regarding COVID-19.
However, the Order requires "That any Organization that continues in-person operation during the effective dates of the order shall implement measures to mitigate the exposure and spread of COVID-19 around its workforce and patrons. Private businesses and organizations may implement safety measures of their own including requiring masks, and even vaccine mandates for their own business. However, local government (City and County) requirements related to COVID-19 have been rendered moot and unenforceable by Order of the Governor.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.