Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

Athletic Field Lighting

This week, Georgia Power completed all underground trench work (shown at right) in preparation for the installation of the perimeter lighting around the field. Beginning next week, staff and its contractors will begin work on the installation of the new perimeter walking path. During this portion of the project, the athletic field will not be available for reservations until the end of August.

2021 Community Path Project

Absolute Concrete continues to work on the conversion of the community path (from asphalt to concrete) from The Village to Sundew Road in the Deer Creek phase of the community. Barring any further weather delays, this section of path will be completed by the end of the month.

2021 Road Replacement Project

Bennett Paving will be onsite in the next two weeks to address the rideability of a section of the newly paved asphalt along Landings Way North from Tidwater Way to Bartram Road. Bennett will utilize an infrared machine to heat the asphalt to help roll out the imperfections. Thereafter, they will begin to address some smaller road repairs (root intrusions, ride-altering bumps, etc.) in various areas of the community.

Tree Pruning of Scenic Outlook and Historical Sites

Staff completed pruning, uplifting, and dead wooding the trees located in scenic areas and historical sites throughout the community. The areas included The Marsh Tower, Peregrine Path Moon River Lookout (scenic outlook areas), and Historical Sites (Monastery Ruins and Landings Harbor Mounds). This pruning cycle is completed every three years and is funded operationally.

Fish Kill - Lagoon 76

Earlier this week, staff was notified about a fish kill in Lagoon 76 (located off of Little Comfort Road between Prescott and Windwalk lanes). Staff removed the fish from the lagoon and continue to monitor the lagoon to ensure water quality parameters stabilize. Fish kills typically occur during high tide events in our brackish lagoons closest to the marsh. Cooler water from the marsh flows over the warmer waters of the lagoon; the warmer water then wants to be higher up in the water column and the lagoon “flips”. This flip deoxygenates the water and in turn causes weaker fish to die from lack of oxygen. When the dead fish are removed from the lagoon the water chemistry returns to normal levels.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.