On the Waterfront
Landings Harbor
Operating Hours 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday – Friday
8 a.m. to 8 pm., Saturday and Sunday
Landings Harbor Marina
HR Manager Karin Condame presented the new Learning Management System and answered any HR questions at our Marinas team meeting on Friday. It was time well spent to get everyone on the same page, especially since bringing on the seasonal dock hands. We continue to have a lot of boat movements on the weekends as expected even with some late afternoon storms. The two rocking chairs have been placed back onto the porch with their fresh coats of paint and seat cushions.
Marina Store
The store remains well stocked with Landings Harbor branded apparel and merchandise. We are also keeping the coolers filled with cold beverages and ice cream!
Landings Harbor Dredging Project
Estate Management completed the dredging project last week. We are awaiting the results of the third-party Bathymetric survey by Southeastern Marine to confirm the cubic yardage removed during the project.
Dry Storage
Landings Harbor is at full capacity for dry, wet, and jet ski storage. We are keeping an up-to -date list for those needing a place to store their boat. Savannah is short on boat slip availability in general and we have recently received calls from non-Landings residents looking for a slip for their boats.
The Landings Sailing Program
The Landings Sailing Club will have another Beer Can Race/Social Event this upcoming Friday.
Landings Dry Storage Activity
Delegal Creek Marina
Summer operating Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Delegal Creek Marina
Transient dockage is increasing at Delegal as we get into the summer. It is busy in general as more of the boaters take advantage of the beautiful weather.
Marina Occupancy
Delegal Creek Marina is at maximum occupancy. The staff continues use of a waiting list for Landing’s property owners looking for accommodations for their vessels.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit landings.org to read the original article. https://landings.org/news/2021/06/18/waterfront