Milling and Paving Begins on Landings Way North from Tidewater Way to Bartram Road on Monday (June 14)
Weather permitting, beginning Monday (June 14), Bennett Paving is scheduled to begin milling Landings Way North (LWN) from Tidewater Way to Bartram Road. Please note that Landings Way North at Tidewater Way will be closed to through traffic. Both lanes of Landings Way North will be milled and paved. However, only one lane will be closed at a time. Barring any weather or asphalt plant delays, we anticipate the entire project to take approximately one week to complete.
Residents on Deer Run and Landings Way North
Residents who live on Deer Run and on Landings Way North in the project area will be able to travel to and from their homes on Landings Way. However, there will be delays, and you may be directed to use the North Gate or the Main Gate to exit the community depending on the progression of the work. Please use the North Gate for entry into the community. During work hours (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.), there will be one-lane traffic. Please follow traffic personnel instructions and detours.
Please inform your landscape contractors, private trash haulers, visitors, delivery services, and all others, etc., that during the project, entry will be restrictive. US Mail Delivery and emergency vehicles will always have access. If you live on LWN in this area, please turn off your irrigation systems during the paving phase (estimated on Wednesday and Thursday). During the paving process, community path crossovers/crossings will be restricted. Please plan accordingly.
Please watch for additional communications detailing the paving schedule, instructions, etc. Thank you for your patience and support during this project as we continue to improve the roads and infrastructure throughout the community. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Public Works Office ( or 912-598-5509).
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.