Tips to Help Prevent Larceny
As you are traveling for work or play this summer, be certain to keep your vehicle safe from break-ins.
According to the Chatham County Police Department, entering vehicles to steal is a crime of opportunity. This act officially is known by the police as larceny, and it often can be prevented.
Following are four methods to avoid being a victim of larceny.
- Firmly close all the doors and ensure they are locked.
- Remove all items of value from the vehicle when you exit. Close your compartments and roll up the windows.
- Prevent passengers and yourself from placing items inside the passenger compartment when they can be stored in the trunk, out of sight.
- Avoid placing items inside the vehicle, securing the vehicle, and then leaving it unattended. This allows others to witness where items are stored and could tempt someone to steal them.
Breaking into a vehicle takes only seconds. Experienced thieves avoid touching the handles and other surfaces and grab only what they want out of the vehicle.
Always make certain to park in well-illuminated areas at night. Roll up your windows, lock your doors, and be the last person to leave the vehicle. Before you leave, look inside for items that could be stolen.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.