Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

2021 Athletic Field Project Update

In preparation for the new perimeter walking path installation around the Athletic Field, in-house staff removed the wooden structure exercise equipment along the current dirt path.

Shamgar continues to install the new fencing around the field which is anticipated to be completed on or before May 15.  Please utilize caution in and around the construction area. 

2021 Road Repair and Replacement Project

On Friday, Bennett Paving completed milling the road surface in Phase 1 of Delegal Road (Delegal Circle to Spartina Lane).  Weather permitting, Bennett Paving will begin paving this section of Delegal Road which is projected to take 2 days to complete.  Communications have been sent via Swift 911 and e-news to the community.  Staff also tubed each resident impacted on Delegal Road and its side streets.  Subsequent communications will be sent with regard to the timeline for the start of Phase 2 (the section of Delegal Road from Spartina Lane to Landings Way South). 

2021 Community Path Project

This week, Absolute Concrete completed the conversion of path (from asphalt to concrete) along Tidewater Way and will begin working on the demolition of the community path along Hoptree Crossing next week.

2021 Storm Drain Project

Southeast Pipe continues to work on the storm drain repairs along Landings Way North and Romerly Road. The contractor has two more pipes to line in this area which are anticipated to be completed by the middle of May. 

Public Works Generator

On Wednesday, Energy Systems Southeast and their sub-contractor Coastal Electric of GA began the removal and replacement of the Public Works generator. During a power outage in August of last year, the Public Works Building generator caught fire which ultimately destroyed the alternator wiring harnesses and internal components.  After the incident, our service provider, Energy Systems Southeasts (ESSE) came onsite and determined that the unit was unrepairable.  After several months of discussions and onsite visits with Traveler’s, the Association’s insurance provider, it was determined that the replacement of the generator was covered under our current policy.  After paying the deductible of $2,500, Traveler’s provided the Association with a check in the amount of $34,458 for the replacement of the generator.  Staff included a $3,600 contingency in the total project cost for any unforeseen mechanical/electrical modifications and required fencing modifications. The installation will be completed by the end of next week.  







This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.