CDD News You Can Use

Courtesy of TLA's Community Development Department

Spring is here, and it's a great time to evaluate the areas of your landscaping that may require enhancement. Often, cold weather results in thinning turf  and bare areas on your lawn. Some residents combat this thinning by planting rye or zoysia grass, while others choose to transform these areas into bedded islands, using ground cover and decorative shrubbery.

Transforming the areas into bedded islands is an excellent way to add color and texture to areas that may not look their best year-round. With this method, the types of ground cover used most often are pine straw or mulch. The bedded areas should be edged to define the transition between lawn areas and bedding material. Maintaining a layer of ground cover that is several inches thick is ideal. This keeps weeds and grasses at bay and helps to maintain needed moisture for root and plant health.

Living in the south grants us the opportunity to sustain charming, healthy landscapes all year long with a bit of effort and lots of imagination.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.