Your roof has you covered, along with all the household items beneath it. However, many may be unaware of the importance of regularly inspecting, maintaining, and replacing a roof. Architectural shingles have a lifespan of up to 30 years, and the repair and replacement of roofs throughout The Landings is consistent with development patterns in the earlier phases of the community, where many homes are at or nearing that 30-year mark.
Even if your roof isn’t 30 years old, or was recently replaced, maintenance is just as important with a new roof as it is for a roof that has seen its fair share of southern heat and summer rainstorms. Most homeowners will shy away from roof maintenance because of the false sense of security that a warranty provides. What most homeowners may not realize is that while a warranty is an important thing to have, it becomes null and void if the roof is not maintained. If you cannot provide evidence that your roof has been maintained consistently, you may not be successful when making a claim.
Routine roof maintenance and replacement not only will ensure the longevity of your investment, but it will keep homeowners in compliance with The Landings Association’s Architectural Guidelines and Private Property Maintenance Standards. Below is an excerpt of the roof requirements and maintenance standards. The documents can also be found on our website (
www.landings.org/resources > Governing Documents).
Architectural Design and Development Guidelines, Section 2.7 Roofs. The roof is a major design feature of a home. The following shall apply: Samples of the proposed color and material must be submitted with the application. All roof penetrations except chimneys (e.g., plumbing vents, exhaust vents, pipes, flues, etc.) must be located on the least visible side and painted to match the roof. When building an addition or replacing parts of an existing roof, all shingle colors must visually match or be replaced back to the nearest hip or ridge. Metal roofs are generally acceptable. Their color and style must be approved by the ARC. Matte finish is strongly encouraged to reduce reflectivity. Before a TLA Roof Permit can be processed, a Chatham County Permit must be submitted to the Community Development Department. Roof applications can be conveniently completed and submitted online at 
Private Property Maintenance Standards, Section 4 Building Standards, B. Roofs must be maintained so that surface stone is intact. Roof repair or replacement must be done when the roof deterioration reveals inner layers of asphalt visible from the street (curling shingles). Vegetation growth on the roof must be removed. Chimney caps, metal flues, gutters, downspouts, and attic vents must be in good repair and not show signs of rust, chipping, or peeling.
 Roofing Maintenance Tips
Roofing inspections should be performed twice a year. In the South, it is ideal to conduct inspections before and after the summer season when the most wear and tear occurs from excessive heat, extreme weather, and debris.
Hiring a roofing contractor is recommended, as many homeowners do not have the knowledge or experience to properly inspect a roof. A roofing contractor will inspect the interior of the roof for proper insulation, ventilation, and moisture. The exterior inspection will focus on flashing, leaks, rot and mold, structural damage, shingle deterioration, and the state of your gutters. A professional should provide solutions for any problems found, or a plan for what needs to be done immediately.
When hiring a professional, make sure to research the contractor thoroughly, and use your best judgment when allowing strangers onto your property. Most legitimate roof contractors, although not all, will have full coverage by a reputable insurance company limiting your liability should something happen on your property.
To better assist property owners with the maintenance and construction of service areas, staff have compiled a list of frequently utilized contractors who are associated with service areas in and around the Savannah area. These contractors are listed below for reference and not as an endorsement:
- Roofing Experts (912-484-2688)
- Michael’s Roofing (912-748-6888)
- Grassi Roofing (912-748-8493)
- Roof Hunters (912-342-3338)
- Savannah Roofs (912-682-0262)
- Roofing Specialists (912-756-7664)
- Roofing Experts (912-484-2688)
- Jimmy Jenkins Roofing (912-355-4526)
Please take the time to evaluate your property to assist us in resolving potential compliance issues. The Association’s hope is that we can address these issues with 100% voluntary compliance. Please contact the Community Development Department (912-598-5511) prior to starting any construction activity or if you have any questions or need assistance in bringing your property into compliance with regards to roofing.