Welcome to the Village Library
- A community library created by a group of Skidaway Island visionaries in 1990.
- Georgia nonprofit §501(c)(3) corporation
- Located at 1 Skidaway Village Square
- Managed and run by volunteers with no paid employees
- Not affiliated with any public library system and receives no government funds
- Funded by membership fees, donations, book and DVD rentals, used book sales, and engraved bricks
- More than 2,400 members
- More than 24,000 books to borrow for three weeks at no cost, except the annual $10 membership fee
- New books added every month
- More than 14,000 fiction books, including contemporary, classics, award winners, and multiple copies of the most popular authors’ books
- 800 biographies and 3,000 other non-fiction books, including a large selection of history, gardening, and cookbooks
- 1,500 popular books in Large Print format
- More than 4,500 children’s books organized by reading ability, including beginner to elementary and middle school
- Latest books and best seller “rentals” at 30 cents per day
- 1,700 DVDs and audio books for rent at 40 cents per day
- “Great Courses” CDs and DVDs borrowed for three weeks at no cost
- Used hardcover and paperback books for sale to anyone, not just members
- Art for sale, donated by local artists
- The current issue of TWATL and the New York Times Sunday Book Review
- A brick entry to the library with engraved bricks donated by patrons
- Planters at the entrance generously donated and maintained by The Landings Garden Club
- Membership open to everyone (residency on Skidaway Island not required)
- $10 annual membership fee per family
- Visit the Library to complete a membership form
- For browsing, currently open on Friday and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (limited to eight patrons at a time; please wear a mask and maintain social distance)
- For curbside delivery, currently open Wednesday through Saturday, accepting phone orders (912-598-1183) from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for pickup between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- Check the Library’s online catalog (https://thevillagelibrary.library.site) or follow the link from our website (http://www.thevillagelibrary.org) to see what is available.
- Join the library
- Purchase used books for sale year-round
- Attend our twice-yearly outdoor book sales, in spring and fall (next sale is April 17, 2021)
- Make “Village Library, Inc.” your charity by going to https://smile.amazon.com and making your Amazon purchases there
- Buy a brick for a $200 donation to be engraved and placed at the library entrance
- Become a volunteer
- Donate books in good condition for resale (donations currently accepted on Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon)
- All cash and book donations are tax-deductible
- Monetary donations may be dropped at the library or mailed to 1 Skidaway Village Square, Savannah, GA 31411

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit landings.org to read the original article. https://landings.org/news/2021/02/18/welcome-village-library%C2%A0