Our world is filled with acronyms, and The Landings owns its share of these nifty abbreviations that stand for much longer words. One such acronym that affects all residents is PPMS, also known as Private Property

Maintenance Standards.
In 2015, the community overwhelmingly approved a Covenants Modernization Vote, with 87 percent of participating owners voting in favor of updating the Covenants. Community approval authorized The Landings Association’s Board to establish exterior Private Property Maintenance Standards (PPMS) to further enhance private property values in our beautiful community. Implementation required the subsequent establishment of an Appeals Process, which was approved by the Board in 2016. In addition, the inspection duties were transitioned from Security to the Community Development Department.
According to Karen Szychowski, a property and housing inspector for the Association’s Community Development Department, the purpose of the PPMS is to add focus on the continued upkeep and maintenance of private property within The Landings.
“The Covenants require that private property, and any improvement or alterations, be kept in good condition so that it does not have an adverse effect on other properties in the community,” she said. “The Private Property Maintenance Standards were developed, in part, to ensure that properties are kept in good repair, acceptable in appearance, and meet minimum acceptable standards. They establish the minimum standards for maintenance of homes within The Landings.”
To ensure all homes in the community are in compliance with the PPMS, Szychowski and her team have created educational flyers to provide general information, standards, and maintenance tips. These flyers are shared with homeowners during weekly inspections throughout the community.
Occasionally, the inspection team may notice a concern that requires a specific solution or more immediate attention. In these cases, staff will contact the property owner with a courtesy phone call or email. Most often, this initial informal contact results in compliance, since residents support and appreciate the benefits of these community standards.
“On occasion, initial informal attempts to reach an owner are not successful, and a written notice letter then is mailed to the owner,” Szychowski said. “It is important to recognize that upon receipt of the first notice of violation, the owners always have three options before a second notice is issued.”
The three options residents are given are as follows:
- Correcting the violation within 10 days, if practical; or
- Advising staff within 10 days of a Plan of Action that reflects how and when the identified item(s) will be brought to standards; or
- Filing an Appeal within 10 days to the Appeals Committee (made up of volunteer neighbors).
“The most important thing that residents should know is that our team is here to help them navigate the process as easily and as stress-free as possible,” Szychowski said. “We can help develop a plan and even share what has worked successfully for other residents who’ve dealt with similar situations. We appreciate that owners may not be able to have work completed within 10 days, as some situations require contractor assistance and additional time. Staff always are willing to work with owners on a reasonable plan.”
In very rare circumstances, an owner receives an invoice for fines ($25 per day) that constitute a lien against their property due to violations that have not been corrected.
“On these rare occasions, this undesirable action normally is a result of our longstanding inability to obtain a response from the property owner,” Szychowski said. “Fines are a last resort. We would much rather spend our time and energy partnering with our residents to develop a viable plan of action.”
Not only is the Community Development Department and its property and housing inspectors a great resource for existing residents, but the staff also provide services for potential residents who may be considering purchasing property in The Landings.
“Our inspection team welcomes the opportunity to meet onsite and perform a courtesy inspection to help an owner or potential buyer to understand if their property meets the community standards. To schedule an inspection, please call us (912-598-5518).”