First Responders Update

By Kelly Gordon -
President, First Responders
    I’ve received many emails and calls about the COVID-19 vaccine, its side effects, and where people can go if places are booked up so quickly. In short, the Skidaway Island First Responders (SIFR) aren’t giving shots. Regarding side effects, I’ve heard about some who’ve had reactions to the first shot, many from the second, and a few from both. Overall, I’ve spoken to more people recently who didn’t have any reactions whatsoever. Personally, I had a sore arm after the first shot and only chills with the second. Since I’m not a doctor, nurse, or scientist, I’ll stay in my lane regarding advice about a vaccination. I strongly urge all of you who’ve not yet received it to try to be patient. I know everyone who can give the vaccine is working tirelessly to make them readily available. Scott and Amy Pierce with Coastal Care Partners now has a website you can go to that will give you information about the vaccines given on the island ( Please make sure you read the entire site before emailing or calling them. Most of your questions can be answered by reading all the information provided. In my last article, I mentioned a couple of unpleasant encounters with residents. I did that so people in this community would be more patient with us and understand our perspective. Unfortunately, I recently had an extremely upsetting altercation with a resident, and it needs to be addressed. As I’ve mentioned before, many of the places we respond have little to no parking. It is important to understand that we need to keep a clear path for the firetruck and ambulance, and we also need to be as close to the incident as possible. The Skidaway Island First Responders carry two extremely heavy bags to each call. One bag is filled with all the necessary medical equipment, and the other is an oxygen tank. The SIFR do our very best not to block anyone, if possible. However, depending on the nature of a call, sometimes we do hinder you from getting around our vehicles. There are MANY times we pull into the driveway of a neighbor because the street isn’t conducive to street parking with an ambulance and a firetruck. We don’t want to pull onto anyone’s grass or block a fire hydrant. I responded to a very serious medical call recently. I had to park in someone’s driveway. The resident came out and was very upset with me. I explained that my key was in my car if he needed to move it, and that I’d be out as soon as I could. He demanded it be moved within 30 minutes or less. I finished up within 20 minutes, and when I went to move my car, he came out and berated me saying I was never to do that again. Now, let’s keep in mind that this was his neighbor, and we were there to help. When I tried to explain as politely as I could why I parked there, he made it very clear that it was unacceptable to park in someone’s driveway. My reason for mentioning this is simple. WE ARE THERE TO HELP your neighbors.   Our goal is never to inconvenience you. We do EVERYTHING we can to consider all obstacles when parking during a medical crisis. Although some might think we are careless and entitled, please know it’s quite the opposite. We don’t want to make you late for a doctor’s appointment, golf, or trip to Publix. Show some patience, please. I promise you this, if and when you ever need us, you won’t care if we are parked in or near your driveway. In closing, PLEASE go grab the yellow medical emergency cards from The Landings Association. They are extremely necessary and helpful for both the SIFR and EMS. You can make a copy of the cards you fill out and keep them in your car, golf cart, purse, or wallet. Thank you for your continued support. It’s always refreshing when we get thank you notes, contributions, positive feedback, and encouragement. Our goal is to take care of our community and be there whenever you need us.

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.