Public Works...Working for You!

Courtesy of Landings Public Works

Holiday Work and Hours

This week, the Public Works Department continued with regular maintenance cycles, increased sweeping cycles throughout the community, and downfall collection. The Public Works Department will be closed on Friday in observance of New Year’s Day. Happy New Year!

Callbox Outages at Gatehouses

Early Monday morning, Public Works staff were notified that the callboxes were nonfunctional. Public Works staff tried to resolve the issue; however, the issue appeared to be server related. The server is an integral part of the callboxes, as it handles the intercom traffic for the callboxes by routing and recording the calls from the box to a phone line. Remote Technology was onsite on Monday to evaluate the server and attempted to reboot the system several times. Due to the age of the server and associated system, the server could not be rebooted and is unrepairable. A new server system was ordered on Monday and is expected to be delivered next week. Although staff and Remote Technology have requested for an expedited delivery, the New Year’s holiday and delayed shipping times throughout the country are impacting the system’s delivery date. In the interim, Remote Technology is attempting to bypass the callbox server to allow functionality within the callboxes.


This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit to read the original article.