Yard Debris and Bulk Trash in The Landings 

By Lynn Lewis - lynnl@landings.org
Communications Manager

Winter is here, and that means an increase in leaves and debris falling from trees. Add to that the fact that as we approach the new year, many of us want to purge and make room for a home free from clutter, and you can imagine the increase in yard debris and bulk trash throughout the community.

As a reminder, the following is a quick overview of The Landings Association’s Rules and Regulations pertaining to yard and bulk debris:

  • Yard Debris (Dry Trash) - The Chatham County Department of Public Works collects yard debris once a week on Tuesdays. The Landings Association’s policy is that yard debris must not be placed curbside until the day before (no more than 24 hours) pickup. Yard debris includes yard clippings, leaves, limbs, and pruning debris. Do not include household garbage with your yard debris.
  • General Rules and Regulations for Commercial and Contractor Activity: Blowing clippings and other debris into the streets, lagoons, or down the storm drains is prohibited. All debris should be bagged and removed from the work area or placed in the homeowner’s service yard.
  • Bulk Trash - The Chatham County Department of Public Works collects cardboard, discarded furniture, appliances (not televisions), large tree branches, heavy bushes, trees, and other objects too large to be placed in the containers. The County does not dispose of any chemicals, including gasoline or paint. This pickup takes place on the second Friday of each month.
  • Trash of any kind must not be placed or discarded on unimproved lots or TLA common property. Remember to inform your landscape workers that there are heavy fines associated with these violations. This may include the deactivation of RFIDs and being banned from working in The Landings.
  • If the properly placed trash is in place on collection day and is not removed by the end of the day, please call Chatham County’s Department of Public Works (652-6840). Remember, you always can arrange with them for a special pickup if you miss yard debris day or have excessive amounts of debris to be removed.

We can maintain the pride and beauty of the community and minimize the unsightly view of waste by complying with  the Rules and Regulations. For more detailed information concerning disposal of private property waste, please call Chatham County’s Department of Public Works (652-6840).

This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.

Visit landings.org to read the original article.