January 18 CCA Seminar
The CCA of Skidaway will resume monthly seminars in January 2021. For the first quarter, the seminars will be conducted via Zoom, with meetings beginning at 4 p.m. and lasting approximately an hour. Information on how to access the Zoom meeting and how to reserve a place, which is limited, will be provided shortly.
The topic of the January presentation, which will be held on Monday, January 18, will center on fishing in The Landings’ freshwater lagoons, focusing on types of fish, recommended equipment, preferred lures, locations, times, best practices, and more. The presenter will be Doug Painter, a lifelong angler and a senior writer and editorial adviser for Sporting Classics Magazine.
Information on how to access the Zoom meeting and how to reserve a place, which will be limited, will be coming soon.
Save the Dates
Upcoming CCA of Skidaway meetings will be held on Mondays, February 8 and March 8.
The topic of the February presentation, which will be held on Monday, February 18, will center on fishing in The Landings’ brackish lagoons and at the Kids’ Fishing Lagoon with speaker Doug Painter, a lifelong angler and a senior writer and editorial adviser for Sporting Classics Magazine.
The March topic has not yet been finalized.
CCA is a nonprofit organization with chapters on the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf Coasts. For more information about CCA of Skidaway, call Joe Tyson (598-8765). For more information about CCA’s Georgia District, call Tom Rood (598-9753). For information about January and February’s meeting and seminar, call Dave Devore (330-329-6457).
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit landings.org to read the original article. https://landings.org/news/2020/12/09/january-18-cca-seminar