Public Works...Working for You!
Small Dog Park Improvements
Staff and BrightView crews began improvements to the Dog Park which included grading and re-sloping several areas of the park to improve the drainage. The wood fiber product is scheduled to be installed on Monday, December 7. Once the wood fiber product settles, Brightview will install decomposed granite around the benches. Barring any weather delays, staff anticipates completion of these improvements within two weeks. A special thank you to all those Dog Park patrons that helped make these improvements possible.
Street Sign and Mailbox Vandalism
Over the holiday weekend, street signs on the following roads were vandalized: Wesley Crossing, Cotesby Lane, Tidewater Way, Goddard Lane, Wishmoore Retreat, Old Hickory Lane Riding Lane, and Hawksbeard Lane. Staff is working to repair and/or replace all damaged street signs, including several mailboxes that were also damaged over the weekend.
Vegetation Replacement at the Gatehouses
BrightView Landscapes completed plant/shrub replacements at the gatehouses this week which included grass varieties, sunshine ligustrum, society garlic and sago palms. Many of the larger shrubs and palms at the gatehouses had either died or had been in the ground for years and required replacement to further enhance the look of the gatehouses. These plant replacements were funded through our enhancement credit with BrightView.
SeeClickFix Demo Meeting with TLC Staff
On Thursday, December 3, Amber Capps, Sean Burgess, and Chris Steigelman (with The Landings Club) met to review the current SeeClickFix platform that The Landings Association utilizes as a centralized work request management system for the reporting of nonemergency maintenance items. The Landings Club is evaluating the implementation of a similar work order system for their day-to-day operations and wanted to better understand the inner workings of SeeClickFix prior to making a final decision on a system for their organization.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.