Community Marketing & Real Estate
This article is the third in a series. To view the second article, please click here.
What are the Results of the Company’s Marketing?
Buyer Leads, Discovery Visits, Sales, Values, and more…
In March, with the arrival of COVID-19, The Landings Company (TLCo) along with our Club, TLA, and all of us personally; quickly had to pivot. In our case, we had to decide how to proceed with the likely and grim reality that, without travel, and with our Discovery Visitors canceling by the dozens; revenue would quickly dissipate.
As most of you have seen or heard around the island, quite the opposite has occurred with sales transpiring at a record pace. Not surprising is the fact that many of the folks buying have been in our database and looking at The Landings for some time. How did they find us? Through our perpetual community marketing and your numerous referrals to us.
You see, like many of you, they began looking at The Landings as they contemplated a move as they approached retirement or some other life event, but COVID-19 changed the game. We had long experienced an average 3.8-year process from inquiring about The Landings and two Discovery Visits before buying. This got compressed to 2.3 years, and falling, this year by the new motivation to get out of the high-density and other challenges being felt in higher population areas.
What is critical to the results is the fact that we have been consistently marketing to our demographic all along, as well as throughout this complete paradigm shift. What would have occurred if they had not known of us? I contend that we would be looking at a much different real estate picture at The Landings than the one shared below.
Year-to-Date September 2020 2019 +/-
Buyer Inquiries Received 3,076 2,811 +9%
Requests for Discovery Visits (COVID impacted and recovering) 418 446 -6%
Actual Discovery Visits (COVID impacted and recovering) 256 386 -34%
TLCo Property Sales (contracted not closed) $183.1m 134.2m +36% or +$49m!
Average - All Landings Home Sold $528k $502k +5.0%
As you can see, virtually every number is up, and some numbers are up substantially. Others, like Discovery Visit requests and bookings are bouncing back very quickly. Listing inventory will play a major role in our community’s real estate performance going forward.
If you are interested in selling your home, please call us today (598-0500). Listings across all price ranges are selling at a pace higher than we’ve seen in many years with a supply that’s at its lowest level possibly ever.
The Landings Company is 100% self-funded and can only continue with your support when selling your home, referring friends & family or renting your home.
In the next installment of this series, which will be included in an upcoming edition of The Landings Association’s weekly ENews, we will cover What’s next for real estate at The Landings?
Your Company, The Landings Company!
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.