Budget Box: Board of Directors Election
By Shari Haldeman - sharih@landings.org
General Manager/COO, The Landings Association

I’m going in a different direction with this month’s Budget Box…The Landings Association’s Board of Directors election.
Each year, a Nominating Committee of your volunteer neighbors interviews those owners who have chosen to stand for election and selects a slate of six qualified candidates for three Director positions. I commend those who willingly put themselves out there to their fellow neighbors.
So why a Budget Box on this topic? Your elected Board sets the direction for the Association. This includes making spending decisions and approving the operating and reserve budgets. These neighbors serve as fiduciaries, ensuring proper fiscal responsibility which all owners want to ensure. During an annual orientation, legal counsel provides guidance on such topics as Board fiduciary obligations, including the duty of standard of care, the good business judgment rule, and the duty to act in good faith and in the best interest of the Association.
The next time you hear someone say
“they” when referring to the Association, ask yourself,
“Who are They”? “They” are “Us” - the property owners in The Landings. We elect our neighbors, who work in what they believe to be the best interest of the community, which means sometimes making decisions not popular to some. Having worked with dozens of different Board Directors over the years, I can say that they all have cared greatly about our community.
When you get your ballot to elect the next slate of Landings Association Board Directors, please stop for a moment and consider how fortunate we are that the candidates are willing to assume this responsibility on our collective behalf. And please appreciate that they have chosen to try to make The Landings better than when they started.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.
Visit landings.org to read the original article.