Boats and Hurricane Season
By Lynn Lewis -
Hurricane Season is still here, and while you are developing the plans to secure your home, don’t forget to plan for your boat.
The key to protecting your boat from hurricanes or any severe, threatening weather is planning, preparation, and timely action. That said, if your boat is stored in a slip, the first step is to move it inland, where it is far more likely to survive the storm.
Landings Marinas Director Larry Sincoskie says boat owners should make sure they have everything they need to secure their boat, including tie-down cords, chafe protection, fenders, anchors, port plugs, duct tape, and extra batteries. These supplies can be obtained from any boating supply store.
To guard against high winds, make sure your boat has extra jack stands – at least three or four on each side for boats under 30’, and five or six for larger boats. The jack stands must be supported by plywood and chained together.
One of the most dangerous mistakes an owner can make is to stay aboard his or her boat during a hurricane. The best advice is to prepare or move your boat when a hurricane is a substantial possibility, even before a Watch is issued, and then head inland.
Remember, your boat can be replaced; you can’t.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website.
Visit to read the original article.