Public Works...Working for You!
2020 Community Path Project
Absolute Concrete has completed the community path that connects Sedgewater Retreat to Stargrass Retreat. Crews are currently working on conversion of the path from the McWhorter Bridge to the restroom facility located on Shellwind Drive. Thereafter, they will be moving to the path located at the end of Huntingwood Retreat.
Main Gate Drainage Improvement
This week, in-house staff installed the newly constructed storm drain inlet box and associated storm drain piping at the Main Gate. This work is in preparation for the upcoming paving project that will occur in mid-August. More communications will be provided on this project in advance of the work. Constructing the custom inlet box and performing the installation in-house saved the department approximately $4,800.
Lagoon 42 Structure Refurbishment
On Friday, July 24, PINCO General Contracting completed the concrete repairs to the lagoon structure located near the intersection of Westcross Road and Waterside Road. In addition, the crew replaced the water control gate and applied the epoxy coating to seal the structure. All pipe plugs were removed, and the lagoon equalized with the adjacent lagoons, thus completing this project. The new structure will control the water level within this chain of lagoons and allow for the lagoon to be drawn down during storm events.
Delegal Fixed Pier Repairs
Over the past two weeks, members of our Facilities Crew have been working on preventive maintenance items on the Delegal Marina fixed pier. The work included replacing deteriorated boards, securing loose decking, sanding trip hazards, and tightening handrails. In addition, a section of railing near the tower was not repairable due to wood rot and will be required to be fully replaced. Staff currently are receiving bids from contractors to complete this work.
GA Power Street lighting Upgrade
Coffey Utility, a subcontractor for Georgia Power, has reported completion of the replacement of the high-pressure sodium streetlight fixtures with new LED fixtures. A Georgia Power representative and TLA staff will review the installation next week. After completing the review, any missed or additional items will be addressed by the contractor. As previously reported, the Association will not incur any additional costs associated with these upgrades.
This article was originally published by The Landings Association on their website. Visit to read the original article.